peace and self-emergence

I’m still here! On Instagram I shared with everyone that I was recognizing myself going into a burnout cycle and decided to take a pause from recording a collective message for July. Cancer season has been so…transformative and reflective in all the different ways where every area of my life was illuminated. I felt like I laughed so much but also cried so much, all within the same week. I’m coming out the other side with clarity, relief and I’m ready to integrate these L’s (lessons 😬).

Taking a pause from recording the collective message allowed me to revisit my why and made me realize that the way I was doing it was not aligning with me and not exciting me anymore. I started to stress when I’d think about everything I had to do before the end of the month and all the steps I had to complete before I could even release this free offering to the public. No one was twisting my arm to do any of these things, no one told me to do it for free or that I had to do the most. So here’s me reclaiming my energy and honoring myself —- my approach to my collective message and sheesh even my website and offerings are undergoing a refinement + experimentation process until I figure out a flow and process that lights me up and energizes me and duh, you.

I appreciate all of you for being down for the ride.

Don’t forget to revisit June’s collective message because there are a lot of themes still carrying over.

If you like to receive the message audibly, listen to the message below. If not, keep reading. Attached are the suggested anchors for Self, head over to my Instagram to hear it plus additional anchors to keep you grounded throughout the month.


Some themes that have been recurring this past season for the collective that I also mentioned in June was:

  • Boundaries - creating boundaries not rooted in fear but in love for Self and others. Sometimes it’s about really creating those very clear, airtight boundaries where no energy leaks can get through.

  • What you voice out into the world and what feeling you attach to those words are spells - you’d be surprised how fast you can speak something into existence. Remember that thoughts are just thoughts and words are just words, it’s what emotion or feeling you attach to those thoughts and words that influence them.

  • Alignment - the state of allowing, flowing; being in-tune with yourself and deeply connected to your energy, body, and intuitive wisdom.

Heading into August — Leo + Virgo season, here are some themes that are coming up:

  • Cycles - use this new fire season as momentum to transmute and transform the old into the new. How can you allow this transition to unfold in your life? What needs to burn away? See what narratives or behaviors you’re holding on to and work on releasing them every day, just like a muscle. Use that excitement of creating something new to motivate and carry you.

  • Fulfillment - sitting down and really reflecting what this word means to you. Some self-reflection questions that came to mind are:

    • What gives you those feelings of happiness and satisfaction? How do you manifest those feelings for yourself?

    • What do you value? What brings value to your life? What makes you feel valuable?

    • What are the conditions that make you feel the most fulfilled and nourished? What are the required conditions of your environment that makes you feel fulfilled?

    • What are your intentions for the day? The week? The month? What do you intend to do?

  • Self-Emergence - in what ways are you bringing new life into your timeline right now? We are being reminded that we have the stamina that is necessary to follow through with cycles that are stagnant or slow to manifest because we know and trust that it (or You) will be birthed. We are being reminded that we have the all the creativity we need and it’s just about saying yes, acknowledging that there is fear and discomfort and giving yourself permission to take action and do it anyway.

  • Peace - This one — especially as human beings — is a challenge lol. What are the young kids saying nowadays? Today I choose violence? Haha.

    • How can you allow more peace and resolution into your life whether that be with yourself or others?

    • Peace does not mean you are avoiding conflict or pretending that struggle does not exist. Peace is when you are able to accept and acknowledge those feelings of separation, competition, conflict and seek out the consciousness that connects all of us in our own unique ways together or at least to the point where it doesn’t affect you as heavily —- not going to lie, even typing that out was rough and I felt some resistance but guides told me to say this haha. How can we surrender judgement and release any need to prove ourselves or our worth to another? Oof.

    Create some time and space to reflect on this questions. I hope this provides some clarity and empowerment for you — take what connects and resonates to you.


Earlier last month Uncut Hawaii invited me as their first hanahou guest on their podcast! We talked about the benefits of breathwork, Tarot cards, psychic abilities and how to tap into these tools to help you live a fuller intentional life.

First episode of Uncut Hawaii where we talk about my journey.

Congratulations to this group of healers now Reiki Practitioners! Loved the way each individual gassed each other up — it was so beautiful to witness. I was lucky enough to have two of my previous students retake the class to dive deeper into their practice and to get a nice refresher. Life is always changing so I make sure to always update my training with my latest findings and research so my students are well-sourced. Not every training is exactly the same.

Can’t wait to see you all sharing your light + shadow. Thank you for choosing me as your guide and thank you Manoa House for giving us this beautiful space to use! *masks were taken off for this photo.

I’ll be hosting one more training this fall and I’m finished for the year, if you’re interested please fill out the inquiry form.

Thank you for being in ebb and flow with me.


Honolulu creative.

autumn message


cycles and living